E side Searing St looking N from NW corner Summit Place is now the campus of the Newark College of Engineering.

Anthony DiPalma​ writes:
​”I was actually born and lived my first years on the West Side of that same street: at 23 Searing Street. It is unfortunately not in the photo – except for a small portion of the garage.​ I would give anything to see a picture of that building or of that side of the street before it was torn down​.”

S side James St looking W from opposite #18 is now a parking lot

Tony Russo (pseudonym) writes:
“That car in the foreground looks just like the car I owned. When they built those monstrous skyscrapers in the 1970s, the work crews were all Italians. They were mafia. They hired vandals and homeless to go in these homes and set them on fire, in order to justify demolition. Everybody lost. Nobody won. Nobody won because the parking lot and skyscraper they built in place of these homes is now empty and has so few tenants. You could say that the bad blood came around. The animals. They tore up our beautiful neighborhood for this.”